Awaken Your Inner Strength

Saturday, Oct 19, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM | The event will cover the following:
• A short discussion of self care
• Review and practice a breathing meditation that can be done in place anywhere, anytime.
• Discussion and exercise around Beliefs – those that support us and those that do not with an exercise in the book I will provide.
• Practice a second calming exercise that creates new neural pathways allowing us to easily use the new behavior in the present moment.
• Uncovering forgotten values and discovering some we may not have really thought of as important to us, but are
• Discussion of core and underlying values
• Practice a third centering exercise/ meditation
• Lunch
• A short meditative practice
• Discussion on values and the Reticular Activating System and Affirmations
• Using principles that work for powerful, believable affirmations everyone will craft and share new affirmations personalized to their life
• The end of the day will be dedicated to an affirmation bath and small habits of self-care

For as long as she can remember, Faustine has been a passionate explorer of self-development and spiritual principles. In 2000, she became a Licensed Heal Your Life Teacher with the ambitious goal of not only living her passion and purpose, but doing so on a grand scale. She has always yearned to share her insights, enabling others to see their own possibilities and live the lives they choose.
Balancing the demands of a traditional job, Faustine never stopped teaching classes, creating retreats, and supporting coaching clients. Though her light occasionally dimmed due to fear of fully stepping into her own business, it never went out. Her drive for continuous learning and personal growth always prevailed.
During her final years working at a small community college, Faustine decided to pursue adult education, proudly earning a Master’s degree in 2017. This was a joyous milestone, symbolizing a commitment to lifelong learning. A move to a new town three years later reinvigorated her dream of sharing decades of wisdom with others.
Just months before turning 70, Faustine took a monumental step by self-publishing the book she wished her younger self had received. This book is a heartfelt guide to understanding and loving oneself, empowering readers to embrace life’s challenges with grace and responsibility.
With over 20 years of entrepreneurial spirit, Faustine founded LifeAnew Resources, LLC in 2018. This venture is the cornerstone of her coaching and educational practice, which she has been diligently building. Although still a work in progress, she recently felt inspired to travel to Asheville and offer a transformative event focused on self-care, beliefs, and values.
Faustine is dedicated to creating a meaningful, purpose-driven space that supports and uplifts anyone seeking transformation. Join her on this exciting journey to embrace life’s endless possibilities and enrich each other’s paths with joy, love, and compassion.


Saturday, Oct 19, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
The event will cover the following:
• A short discussion of self care
• Review and practice a breathing meditation that can be done in place anywhere, anytime.
• Discussion and exercise around Beliefs – those that support us and those that do not with an exercise in the book I will provide.
• Practice a second calming exercise that creates new neural pathways allowing us to easily use the new behavior in the present moment.
• Uncovering forgotten values and discovering some we may not have really thought of as important to us, but are
• Discussion of core and underlying values
• Practice a third centering exercise/ meditation
• Lunch
• A short meditative practice
• Discussion on values and the Reticular Activating System and Affirmations
• Using principles that work for powerful, believable affirmations everyone will craft and share new affirmations personalized to their life
• The end of the day will be dedicated to an affirmation bath and small habits of self-care

For as long as she can remember, Faustine has been a passionate explorer of self-development and spiritual principles. In 2000, she became a Licensed Heal Your Life Teacher with the ambitious goal of not only living her passion and purpose, but doing so on a grand scale. She has always yearned to share her insights, enabling others to see their own possibilities and live the lives they choose.
Balancing the demands of a traditional job, Faustine never stopped teaching classes, creating retreats, and supporting coaching clients. Though her light occasionally dimmed due to fear of fully stepping into her own business, it never went out. Her drive for continuous learning and personal growth always prevailed.
During her final years working at a small community college, Faustine decided to pursue adult education, proudly earning a Master’s degree in 2017. This was a joyous milestone, symbolizing a commitment to lifelong learning. A move to a new town three years later reinvigorated her dream of sharing decades of wisdom with others.
Just months before turning 70, Faustine took a monumental step by self-publishing the book she wished her younger self had received. This book is a heartfelt guide to understanding and loving oneself, empowering readers to embrace life’s challenges with grace and responsibility.
With over 20 years of entrepreneurial spirit, Faustine founded LifeAnew Resources, LLC in 2018. This venture is the cornerstone of her coaching and educational practice, which she has been diligently building. Although still a work in progress, she recently felt inspired to travel to Asheville and offer a transformative event focused on self-care, beliefs, and values.
Faustine is dedicated to creating a meaningful, purpose-driven space that supports and uplifts anyone seeking transformation. Join her on this exciting journey to embrace life’s endless possibilities and enrich each other’s paths with joy, love, and compassion.